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Pet Care Tips

Our Mechanicsburg veterinarians share helpful tips and advice to help you keep your pets healthy and happy.

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What is animal critical care?

What is animal critical care?

As a pet owner, you might wonder what qualifies as critical veterinary care and when your pet's injury is considered an emergency. In this post, our veterinarians in Mechanicsburg explain what's involved in animal critical care and discuss what circumstances are categorized as a pet emergency. 

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Probiotics for Cats

Probiotics for Cats

Just like with humans, the bacteria in your cat's gut can become disrupted which can lead to a number of uncomfortable symptoms and conditions. Here, our Mechanicsburg vets share some information about your kitty's gut health, how it can be managed, and what the best probiotics are for cats.

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Dog Bone Safety: Can Dogs Eat Bones?

Dog Bone Safety: Can Dogs Eat Bones?

Bones can be an enriching treat for your dog. Chewing can relieve boredom, anxiety and stress, and helps keep your dog's teeth clean. However, bones can be also harmful to dogs. Knowing that, you might be wondering what bones dogs can eat. Today, our Mechanicsburg vets explain the kinds of bones that are safe and unsafe for dogs.

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First Aid for Pets

First Aid for Pets

We can take extra precautions to ensure we protect our pets the best we can, but sometimes accidents just happen. In this post, our vets in Mechanicsburg discuss what you should keep in an animal's basic first aid kit and how to perform pet first aid on your dog or cat.

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Why is my dog pooping blood?

Why is my dog pooping blood?

Our Mechanicsburg vets understand that it can be alarming to see blood in your dog's poop. There are a number of reasons why there's blood in a dog's stool. Today, we share some of the causes and when to head to your vet's office.

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Help! My Cat Keeps Dry Heaving

Help! My Cat Keeps Dry Heaving

It's never fun to watch your cat dry heaving. However, rest assured that in most cases it is harmless. That said, there are a few underlying conditions that can lead to dry heaving that cat owners should be aware of. Here, our Mechanicsburg vets explain.

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Heavy Breathing in Dogs

Heavy Breathing in Dogs

If your dog is breathing fast for no apparent reason, you're bound to be concerned. Today, our Mechanicsburg vets share some of the reasons why your dog may be breathing hard and when it's time for your dog to see the vet. 

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Difficulty Breathing in Dogs & Cats

Difficulty Breathing in Dogs & Cats

Your dog or cat may be panting, but that isn't the same thing as labored breathing. Labored breathing actually means that your pet is struggling to breathe properly. Here, our Mechanicsburg vets explain what shallow breathing and difficulty swallowing in cats and dogs (difficulty swallowing sometimes accompanies labored breathing) and what to do if your pet is showing signs of labored breathing.

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What should I do if my dog drinks antifreeze?

What should I do if my dog drinks antifreeze?

Antifreeze is a common hazard for dogs, as it takes a very little amount to cause fatal damage to their systems. Our Mechanicsburg vets describe symptoms of antifreeze poisoning, and what you should do if you discover your dog consuming antifreeze.

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My cat sleeps constantly - how much is too much and when should I worry?

My cat sleeps constantly - how much is too much and when should I worry?

No doubt about it, cats love to sleep. Our Mechanicsburg emergency vets are often asked by concerned cat owners if they should be worried that their cat is sleeping so much. When does a cat nap indicate that there may actually be a health emergency?

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Walk-in Patients Welcome

At Rossmoyne Animal Emergency Trauma Center you never need an appointment to access our full complement of emergency services. We treat both walk-in patients and referrals for urgent veterinary care.

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